Information Technologies in the Lives of Older People: Sociological Research Experience

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Zaitseva I.A., Krikunov A.Y.


The article analyzes the degree of computational efficiency of older people in using digital technology processes. A sociological survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire, which was attended by 383 (N = 383) people living at their place of residence in the city of Yelets, Lipetsk region. It is noted that low skills in using the field of information technology are a significant barrier to people’s participation in the digital society: it turns out that some people receive pension income, earning disadvantaged in the conditions of digitalization. In the context of this standard, information technology can be considered as the development of resources, the degree of ownership of them – as new criteria for social stratification. It is indicated that digital integration provides a higher level of opportunity to adapt in the modern information society, helps improve the quality of life and the formation of a sense of independence, psycho-emotional self-confidence, natural actions and deeds, and also directly affects their socio-political activity and allows the implementation of the main trends value-wise motivational sphere. The survey showed that the predominant interest of older people in information technologies that provide social communication and the demand for forms of digital communication with government agencies are combined with insufficient awareness of the most modern digital solutions and a conscious desire to improve their own information competence.

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