Security Layer Enhancement System in Passenger Vehicles Using Can Protocol

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Ruban Thomas D.,Dinesh D., Parthiban S.,Praneeth Kumar S. P., Prabhu V.


Cars with CAN bus-like protocols have the potential to be security-based solutions. Cars don't have any kind of fault detection system. When their cars have small problems, owners of the vehicles frequently call mechanics; nevertheless, if the mechanic is dishonest, he could inflate the problem's severity in order to charge more. Nowadays, driving is safer, simpler, and demands less of the driver. Vehicle safety has become a primary concern for modern civilization. Drivers neglect their cars far too frequently. People simply forget occasionally to get their cars serviced when they ought to. An essential component of car upkeep is vehicle servicing. It is obvious that drunk drivers cause the great majority of accidents. Consequently, there isn't a trustworthy way to prevent this.

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