Values and Wellbeing: A Hope for Harmonious Holistic Development

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Geetha R. K. , N. Devaki **


The NEP 2020 reflects a comprehensive vision for holistic development in education, encompassing academic, social, emotional, and ethical dimensions. It advocates an   approach that prioritizes the holistic well-being and development of every individual, preparing them to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. In the pursuit of nurturing individuals' holistic development, understanding the intricate relationship between mental well-being and personal values emerges as a paramount concern. The study explores how personal values intersect with mental well-being to foster harmony in holistic development, particularly among Prospective Teachers. Employing a Descriptive Survey approach, data are gathered.  The Individuals who align their actions with their personal values experience a higher sense of intrinsic motivation, which is linked to greater well-being (Deci & Ryan, 2000). The findings from this study hold implications for educational policies and practices aimed at promoting holistic development. By recognizing the interplay between well-being and personal values, educators can cultivate environments conducive to fostering resilience, empathy, and ethical decision-making among learners (Taylor et al., 2021). Understanding oneself is fundamental to holistic development and mental wellbeing, as it allows individuals to align their actions with their personal values, fostering a sense of authenticity, fulfillment, and harmony in their lives. In the results, a significant positive correlation was observed between well-being and personal values among the participants, indicating that individuals who align their actions with their core values tend to experience higher levels of well-being." Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on holistic education and advocate for the integration of values-based approaches in educational settings to nurture Prospective teachers' holistic development and well-being.

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