Rapidly Growing Landscape of Educational Apps for Children with Disabilities: Addressing Availability, Accessibility, and Persistent Challenges

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Vidyasagar Maurya, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Sudha Singh, Haripad Kumar Mahato, Shashikant,


The number of children with special needs is quickly increasing around the world, but many schools and universities are failing to meet their educational demands. As a result, a huge proportion of impaired students drop out of high school or university. Educational applications have the potential to improve accessibility and e-inclusion in educational environments. Educational apps are rapidly becoming a necessity in our daily educational activities. In this article, it has been proposed that how educational apps are useful for disabled children. The use of educational apps is rapidly growing. Today when a normal child is using the advantages of these apps. The use of these apps is also vital for disabled children. Parents and guardians are worried about their disabled relatives, and how to educate them. In this article, we have discussed the availability of different types of educational apps for different disabilities and also examined the accessibility guidelines for developing educational apps. Based on the introduction of educational Apps, this paper discussed the opportunities and challenges educational Apps face: Accessibility features, individualized learning, communication support, motor skill development, emotional well-being and sensory integration, create good conditions for the development of educational Apps, at the same time, the imbalance of development, poor quality, lack of attention and emotional development and security issue the restriction factors of the development of educational Apps.

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