Improving Tourist Safety and Security with Electronic Card Systems in Ho Chi Minh

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Nguyen Thi Ngoc Linh


Tourism plays a significant role in the global economy, with millions of people traveling to various destinations each year. However, ensuring the safety and security of tourists has become increasingly important in light of emerging threats and challenges. This abstract discusses the potential of electronic card systems as a means to improve tourist safety and security. Traditional methods of ensuring tourist safety, such as physical presence of security personnel and manual documentation processes, have limitations in terms of effectiveness and scalability. Electronic card systems offer a promising solution by leveraging technology to enhance safety measures and streamline security procedures. Electronic card systems can be implemented in various forms, such as smart cards or wearable devices equipped with advanced features. [1] These cards can serve multiple purposes, including identification, access control, and emergency assistance. By incorporating biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, electronic card systems can provide a higher level of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to certain areas or services.

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