Ethical Considerations in the Deployment of AI

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Aaryan Gupta, Amrit Raj, Mayank Puri, Jayesh Gangrade


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies provide a plethora of opportunities for efficiency and innovation, and they are increasingly being incorporated into business operations. However, the application of AI in business settings raises significant ethical concerns that must be addressed to ensure moral and sustainable leadership practices. This review research examines the potential effects of ethical concerns with AI use on organisational leadership. It summarises the current economic applications of artificial intelligence while highlighting the need for moral guidelines and laws to limit its usage. The research discusses the role of business leadership in promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible use of AI technology. It also looks at a number of ethical frameworks for AI deployment. It also looks at potential risks associated with using AI and offers solutions to lessen them. The study concludes by emphasising how important it is to prioritise ethical concerns while utilising AI in order to boost confidence, lower risks, and promote the long-term success of corporate leadership.

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