Performace Analysis of Germanium Source Double Gate TFET Based Biosensor

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R.Immaculate Jeffe, S.V. Iswarya , D. Jenifer , A. Selva Archana, M.Sathish Kumar


The current research delivers a review of the performance of a dielectric modulatedbased Ge-source dual material double gatetunnel field effect transistoras a label-free biosensor. To widen the biosensors' capture area, a cavity is put in this particular case at both the source and drain ends of a fixed SiO2 dielectric. HfO2 layer is an additional dielectric layer that is placed there to enhance the dielectric strength. Silicon fills up the drain and channel, although germanium functions as the source material. Since the cavity is filled with a number of dielectric materials, sensitivityis extracted for neutral and charged biomolecules. Moreover, these biosensors' ION/IOFF ratio, transfer characteristics whichtakes into account either charged or neutral biomolecules. In this analysis, the response time of the Ge-source DMDG-TFET is raised.

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