Effectiveness of Planned Health Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection Among Adolescent Girls of Selected Schools

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Arpana Charles Sonawane, Leena Aswale Dipti Adhav


Today increasing emphasis is placed on health promotion, wellness, and self-care. Health is seen as resulting from a lifestyle that is oriented towards wellness. The result has been the evolution of a wide range of health promotion strategies, including life time health monitoring programmes, environmental health programmes, risk reduction and nutrition, and health education. The study's goal was to assess the effectiveness of planned health teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of Urinary Tract infection among adolescent girls of selected schools. Methodology: This research employed a Quantitative method, as well as a one group pre-test post-test research design. The research was carried out among 100 adolescent girls of selected schools in the City chosen using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The information was gathered using a program that included demographic characteristics and Structured knowledge questionnaire. Data were acquired using a reliable technique that included demographic information and knowledge surveys. SPSS 20 was used to do data analysis. Result: pre-test, 13% of the adolescent girls of selected schools had poor knowledge, 33% of the adolescent girls had average, 34% of them had good knowledge and 20% had excellent knowledge regarding prevention of Urinary Tract infection. post-test, 1% of the adolescent girls of selected schools had poor knowledge, 6% of the adolescent girls had average, 52% of them had good knowledge and 41% had excellent knowledge regarding prevention of Urinary Tract infection. There was significant association of source of information with pre-test knowledge regarding prevention of UTI in adolescent girl Conclusion: The research found that adolescent girl’s poor knowledge score in pre-test regarding prevention of UTI. A mass awareness campaign is required for effective results in the about urinary tract infection.

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