Quantum Computing Advancements and Prospects for Finance

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Karina Tricahya Wulandari , Tutus Rully , Asep Alipudin


This research aims into the transformative potential of quantum computing in the financial sector, underlining its ability to revolutionize risk management, portfolio optimization, and encryption methods. The integration of quantum technology with classical systems is emphasized as a symbiotic relationship that enhances efficiency and precision in financial tasks. A systematic literature review methodology is employed to investigate the development of the financial sector with quantum computing, A total of 186 studies were identified and 13 are selected and included in the review. These 13 journals were selected based on their relevance to the research topic, the quality and impact factor of the journal, the reputation of the authors who publish in the journal, and the rigor of the peer review process. The result indicates the integration of quantum technology in finance holds the potential to revolutionize trading optimization, risk management, and compliance processes, positioning early adopters at the forefront of innovation. The study advocates for sustained efforts in quantum machine learning and reinforcement learning applications to bridge the gap between theoretical potential and practical realization in the financial domain.

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